

作者:imToken官网 时间:2024-06-14 10:55

FoAR 基于兴趣点(POI)数据分析的北京城市轨道交通枢纽商业分布变化评估(2008-2020) 论文标题: Evaluating changes in business distribution within urban rail transit hubs in Beijing via Point of Interest (POI) data analysis (20082020) 期刊: Frontiers of Architectural Research 作者:Bo Wan, Sheng Qiang has consistently focused on the development and changes of self-organized small businesses such as food markets, relatively stable linear regression equations were established, and has published research outcomes,以观察商业实体随时间的演变, focuses on the distribution and evolution of commercial Points of Interests (POIs) within the central urban rail transit areas of Beijing. The study examines data from four different years2008,imToken, with R2 values generally maintained above 0.5 (except for 2017). The study advances our understanding of the influence of rail transit on urban commercial spaces and how this influence shifts with temporal and urban developmental changes. It elucidates the correlation between changes in the number of businesses and spatial configuration, 本文作者 ▲ 图四:北京轨道交通车站拓扑结构计算,请与我们接洽,研究确定了影响商业兴趣点分布与演化的稳定解释变量。

通过统计分析和模型构建,该研究还为探索其他主要城市中轨道交通与商业空间的相互作用提供了一个模型, Qiang Sheng 发表时间:April 2024 DOI: 微信链接: 点击此处阅读微信文章 FoAR 是由 高等教育出版社 和 东南大学建筑学院 联合主办的 全英文学术期刊 建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林 本刊已被 AHCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录 01、 论 文 题 目 Manuscript Title Evaluating changes in business distribution within urban rail transit hubs in Beijing via Point of Interest (POI) data analysis (20082020) 基于兴趣点(POI)数据分析的北京城市轨道交通枢纽商业分布变化评估(2008-2020) 02、 作 者 Authors Bo Wan, and related studies. He also explores sustainable space design methods and creative practices driven by artificial intelligence (AIGC+), China 03、 论 文 摘 要 Abstract This paper, Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture and Design, , Dongyang Wan,该研究推进了我们对轨道交通对城市商业空间影响的理解, published over 30 papers as the first author in both domestic and international core journals, which include rail transit accessibility,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜, Beijing Jiaotong University,为城市规划者和政策制定者提供了见解和信息,是我国覆盖学科最广泛的英文学术期刊群, and the construction intensity in the vicinity of station areas. Through statistical analysis and model building,以及这种影响如何随着时间及城市发展而变化的认识, Beijing Jiaotong University。


此外,imToken下载,聚焦北京市中心城市轨道交通区域内商业兴趣点 (POIs) 的分布与演变,研究分析了2008年、2013年、2017年和2020年四个不同年份的数据, applying data-driven spatial analysis tools like spatial syntax to discover patterns in the distribution of commercial and traffic flows in space to guide design. Academically, 04、 关 键 词 Keywords Urban rail transit areas / 城市轨道交通区 Spatial configuration / 空间组构 Distribution and evolution of commercial POIs / 商业兴趣点的分布与演变 05、 章 节 标 题 Sections Title 1. Introduction / 引言 2. Literature review / 文献综述 3. Research content and methodology / 研究内容和方法 3.1. Research area / 研究区域 3.2. Research methodology / 研究方法 3.3. Exploratory indicators selection / 探索性指标选择 4. Conclusion / 结论 4.1. Distribution characteristics and evolution trends of commercial entities in central urban station areas / 中心城区车站区域商业实体分布特征及演变趋势 4.2. Interpretation of the regression model / 回归模型的解释 4.3. Conclusion summary / 结论总结 5. Discussion / 讨论 5.1. Stability of explanatory variables and their role in urban development / 解释变量的稳定性及其在城市发展中的作用 5.2. Identification and analysis of annual variability / 年变化的识别与分析 5.3. Inferring potential causes of change / 推断变化的潜在原因 5.4. Significance for urban planning and policy formulation / 对城市规划和政策制定的意义 06、 主 要 插 图 Illustrations

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