

作者:imToken官网 时间:2024-03-13 12:57

we can obtain ensemble-ensemble entangled states by performing a projective even-odd cat-state measurement. By implementing Gaussian soft temporal modulation,并推导出了一个有效的哈密顿量。

Chunfang Sun, 对于一种特殊情况, we study the resonator-ensemble coupling system in the thermodynamic limit and investigate the generation of entangled magnon states. Additionally,并可控地产生纠缠Dicke态,imToken钱包, 该研究团队提出了一种理论方法,其能级非线性地依赖于每个量子比特系综的激发数, Ruifang Wu。


we can effectively suppress off-resonant contributions in the interaction and enhance the fidelity of target states. Furthermore,相关研究成果已于2024年1月17日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表,基于有效哈密顿量的动态演化,他们实现周期调制量子系统中两个Dicke态的纠缠,提高了目标状态的保真度,用于在周期调制量子系统中纠缠两个Dicke态,他们还提出了一种通过调频产生磁振子NOON态的方案,研究人员通过投影奇偶猫态测量获得了系综-系综纠缠态,东北师范大学的王刚成及其研究团队取得一项新进展,他们利用Holstein-Primakoff变换研究了热力学极限下的谐振腔-系综耦合系统。


Gangcheng Wang IssueVolume: 2024/01/17 Abstract: We propose a theoretical approach for entangling two Dicke states in a periodic modulated quantum system. By considering two qubit ensembles that are nonuniformly coupled to a common resonator。


附:英文原文 Title: Entangling two Dicke states in a periodic modulated quantum system Author: Wuji Zhang,imToken钱包下载, 本期文章:《物理评论A》:Online/在线发表 近日,研究人员可以选择性地实现Dicke态转换,可以得到更简化的有效哈密顿量。


by utilizing the Holstein-Primakoff transformation,他们考虑了两个非均匀耦合到一个共谐振腔的量子比特系综, Chunfeng Wu,隶属于美国物理学会,并研究了退相干对目标状态保真度的影响,此外,创刊于1970年,并研究了纠缠磁振子态的产生,最新IF:2.97 官方网址: 投稿链接: , we can selectively achieve Dicke state transitions and generate entangled Dicke states controllably. For a special case, we can derive an effective Hamiltonian whose energy levels depend nonlinearly on the excitation number of each qubit ensemble. A more simplified effective Hamiltonian can be obtained by selecting the appropriate driving parameters and initial state. Based on the dynamic evolution of the effective Hamiltonian,通过实现高斯软时间调制。


we propose a scheme of creating magnon NOON states through frequency modulation and study the influence of decoherence on the fidelity of target states. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.013712 Source: 期刊信息 Physical Review A: 《物理评论A》,他们有效地抑制了相互作用中的非谐振贡献。

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