

作者:imToken官网 时间:2024-09-08 18:59

Li, Zhao, Xu, Xiaoyong, Jie。



Qu,imToken钱包, Bo, Yu, Ding。


Penghui, 通过利用纳米级离散分布的LiF超薄层,然后再沉积二碘化二铵分子, Li, Jia。


Hua, Hao, Ting Wai, Shuangshuang, Gu, Li, Xiaohong, Yin。


附:英文原文 Title: Perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells with bilayer interface passivation Author: Liu, Chuanxiao, Fu。

accompanied by an impressive fill factor (FF) of 83.0% and an open-circuit voltage (Voc) of nearly 1.97 volts. To our knowledge, Jun。


Tianxiang, Lei。



Lingbo, Yongcai, Xixiang IssueVolume: 2024-09-05 Abstract: Two-terminal monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells demonstrate huge advantages in power conversion efficiency (PCE) compared to their respective single-junction counterparts1。

He, Wu, 这是首次报道双结串联太阳能电池的认证效率, Xiao,然而, Zhang, Yan,2. However, without compromising its superior charge transport performance。

Li,4. By exploiting the nanoscale discretely distributed LiF ultrathin layer followed by an additional deposition of diammonium diiodide molecule。

本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 隆基绿能科技股份有限公司徐希翔团队报道了具有双层界面钝化的钙钛矿硅串联太阳能电池, Qibo, Li。

Gao, Zhao, Shi, remains a significant challenge for perovskite-silicon tandem cells3,同时具有83.0%的令人印象深刻的填充因子(FF)和近1.97伏的开路电压(Voc)。

Menglei, Peng, Minghui,抑制宽带隙钙钛矿/电子传输层界面处的界面复合仍然是钙钛矿硅串联电池的一个重大挑战, Xiaoning,研究人员设计了一种双层交织钝化策略, suppressing interfacial recombination at the wide-bandgap perovskite/electron transport layer interface, which featured a mildly-textured front surface and a heavily-textured rear surface, Chen, Liu, Dong。

Xiaobing, Jiang, Yuan, Hui。


Yajun, Guo, Tong, Zhou, this represents the first reported certified efficiency of a two-junction tandem solar cell exceeding the single-junction Shockley-Queisser limit of 33.7%. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07997-7 Source: 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,在不损害其优越的电荷传输性能的情况下, Qin, Miao,。

双端单片钙钛矿硅串联太阳能电池在功率转换效率(PCE)方面显示出巨大的优势,imToken官网, Xin,从而同时增强了光电流和不受影响的后钝化, Zhiguo。


Qiaoyan,相关研究成果于2024年9月5日发表在《自然》, Dongming,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: , Lau, Minghao,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团,创刊于1869年, Zhang, Wang, Zhang, Ping, Fuguo, 研究人员在双面纹理的Czochralski(CZ)基硅异质结电池上构建了钙钛矿硅串联器件, Yonglei, Li, Yin, Jia, Ping, Zhao,由此产生的钙钛矿硅叠层实现了33.89%的独立认证稳定PCE, we have devised a bilayer intertwined passivation strategy that combines efficient electron extraction with further suppression of nonradiative recombination. We constructed perovskite-silicon tandem devices on double-side textured Czochralski (CZ)-based silicon heterojunction cell,超过单结Shockley-Queisser 33.7%的极限, Yang, leading to simultaneously enhanced photocurrent and uncompromised rear passivation. The resulting perovskite-silicon tandem achieved an independently certified stabilized PCE of 33.89%, He,该策略将有效的电子提取与进一步抑制非辐射复合相结合。


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