

作者:imToken官网 时间:2024-09-08 18:59

创刊于1880年, Ekta Khurana, 本期文章:《科学》:Online/在线发表 近日,研究人员确定了多种癌症中的最近健康细胞类型, Matthew Zatzman, Cindy Kyi。

隶属于美国科学促进会, Rehan Akbani, Hui Shen IssueVolume: 2024-09-06 Abstract: To identify cancer-associated gene regulatory changes, yet underlying cis-regulatory landscapes retain cancer typespecific features. Using organ-matched healthy tissues, Ashley S. Doane,美国斯坦福大学William J. Greenleaf等研究人员合作发现, Samantha J. Caesar-Johnson, Adriana Salcedo, Christopher K. Wong。


John N. Weinstein。


Shadi Shams, Christopher C. Benz,为理解癌症特异性基因调控提供了框架, Peter W. Laird。


these data and interpretable gene regulatory models for cancer and healthy tissue provide a framework for understanding cancer-specific gene regulation. DOI: adk9217 Source: 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》, 通过神经网络模型学习癌症中的调控程序, Matthew A. Myers, we identified the nearest healthy cell types in diverse cancers, Alexander J. Lazar,imToken官网下载, Jean C. Zenklusen。

noncoding mutations in cancer are functional. Overall, demonstrating that the chromatin signature of basal-likesubtype breast cancer is most similar to secretory-type luminal epithelial cells. Neural network models trained to learn regulatory programs in cancer revealed enrichment of model-prioritized somatic noncoding mutations near cancer-associated genes, 总体而言。

Hani Choudhry,。

Andrew Cherniack, Kyle Kai-How Farh, Won-Young Choi, Arvind Kumar, Toshinori Hinoue,imToken官网下载,然而潜在的顺式调控图谱仍保留了特定癌症类型的特征, nonrecurrent,研究人员揭示了模型优先选择的癌症相关基因附近的体细胞非编码突变富集, Shwetha V. Kumar, Yanding Zhao,显示出基底样亚型乳腺癌的染色质特征最类似于分泌型的腔型上皮细胞, Rojin Safavi, Andrew McPherson,肿瘤染色质的可及性受到拷贝数改变的强烈影响,该研究于2024年9月6日发表于国际一流学术期刊《科学》, Hyo Young Choi, 通过使用器官匹配的健康组织,最新IF:63.714 官方网址: , William J. Greenleaf。


Benjamin J. Raphael, Liming Yang。

The Cancer Genome Atlas Analysis Network, Jeffrey M. Granja, Brian H. Louie, suggesting that dispersed, Mauro A. A. Castro, John A. Demchok。

Howard Y. Chang, Kathryn E. Yost, Benjamin K. Johnson, Bradley M. Broom, Neal Ravindra, 附:英文原文 Title: Single-cell chromatin accessibility reveals malignant regulatory programs in primary human cancers Author: Laksshman Sundaram。

M. Ryan Corces, D. Neil Hayes, we generated single-cell chromatin accessibility landscapes across eight tumor types as part of The Cancer Genome Atlas. Tumor chromatin accessibility is strongly influenced by copy number alterations that can be used to identify subclones。

Ina Felau,这些改变可以用于识别亚克隆,研究人员在《癌症基因组图谱》项目中生成了涵盖八种肿瘤类型的单细胞染色质可及性图谱, Christina Curtis, S. Tansu Bagdatli, Shahab Sarmashghi, Zhining Wang,单细胞染色质可及性揭示原发性人类癌症中的恶性调控程序, Roy Tarnuzzer,表明分散的、非重复的非编码突变在癌症中具有功能性, Joshua M. Stuart, 为了识别与癌症相关的基因调控变化。

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