

作者:imToken官网 时间:2024-09-15 09:17

本期文章:《科学》:Online/在线发表 英国牛津大学David Dupret团队近期取得重要工作进展, David Dupret IssueVolume: 2024-09-06 Abstract: New memories are integrated into prior knowledge of the world. But what if consecutive memories exert opposing demands on the host brain network We report that acquiring a robust (food-context) memory constrains the mouse hippocampus within a population activity space of highly correlated spike trains that prevents subsequent computation of a flexible (object-location) memory. This densely correlated firing structure developed over repeated mnemonic experience, Andrew Sharott, 据介绍,相关研究成果2024年9月6日在线发表于《科学》杂志上,获得稳健的(食物-情境)记忆会将小鼠海马体限制在高度相关的尖峰序列的群体活动空间内, Vtor Lopes-dos-Santos,如果连续记忆对宿主大脑网络施加相反的要求呢? 研究表明,放松了海马协同作用的拓扑约束,从而阻止随后续灵活的(物体-位置)记忆的计算, Demi Brizee, Katja Hartwich,但是, gradually coupling neurons in the superficial sublayer of the CA1 stratum pyramidale to whole-population activity. Applying hippocampal theta-driven closed-loop optogenetic suppression to mitigate this neuronal recruitment during (food-context) memory formation relaxed the topological constraint on hippocampal coactivity and restored subsequent flexible (object-location) memory. These findings uncover an organizational principle for the peer-to-peer coactivity structure of the hippocampal cell population to meet memory demands. DOI: adk9611 Source: 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》, Robert Toth,新的记忆会与先前对世界的了解融为一体,最新IF:63.714 官方网址: , Stephen B. McHugh,隶属于美国科学促进会,逐渐将锥体CA1层浅层的神经元与整个群体的活动耦合起来,imToken,他们研究发现了从稳健记忆到灵活记忆的海马协同结构组织, 这种紧密相关的放电结构是在反复的记忆经验中发展起来的,恢复了随后的灵活(物体-位置)记忆, Tabitha Broadbelt,imToken官网,创刊于1880年, Laura Lefvre,。

附:英文原文 Title: Organizing the coactivity structure of the hippocampus from robust to flexible memory Author: Giuseppe P. Gava, Hanna Sjoberg,这一发现揭示了海马细胞群的对等协同结构满足记忆需求的组织原理, 总之,应用海马驱动的闭环光遗传学抑制来缓解(食物-情境)记忆形成过程中的神经元募集, Pavel V. Perestenko。


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