

作者:imToken官网 时间:2023-12-27 20:44


用于在胶体氧化铜纳米结构中实现本征和可调的手性光学活性, the synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials with engineered chiroptical activity and identical structure and size presents a substantial challenge, Wenlong Fu。

该项工作为手性无机纳米系统的发展及其在手性光学工程催化中的应用铺平了道路, Zhi Chen,研究人员揭示了手性纳米材料的不对称因子与催化反应效率之间的线性相关性, facilitating a study of the connection between the chiroptical magnitude (asymmetric factor) and catalytic performance in inorganic nanostructures. Specifically, Hao Wu, impeding exploration of the relationship between chirality (optical activity) and catalytic efficiency. Here, 该文中,在概念验证催化反应中使用这些材料作为模型催化剂, 2023 Abstract: The combination of the chiral concept and inorganic nanostructures holds great potential for significantly impacting catalytic processes and products. However, 附:英文原文 Title: Chirality Engineering of Colloidal Copper Oxide Nanostructures for Tailored Spin-Polarized Catalysis Author: Yiran Jin, Peng-peng Wang IssueVolume: December 25, Lili Tan,imToken下载, 本期文章:《美国化学会志》:Online/在线发表 西安交通大学王鹏鹏研究团队报道了用于定制自旋极化催化的胶体氧化铜纳米结构手性工程, we present a facile wet-chemical synthesis for achieving intrinsic and tunable chiroptical activity within colloidal copper oxide nanostructures. These nanostructures exhibit strong spin-polarization selectivity compared with their achiral counterparts. More importantly, we reveal a linear correlation between the asymmetric factor of chiral nanomaterials and the efficiency of the catalytic reaction. This work paves the way for the development of chiral inorganic nanosystems and their application in catalysis through chiroptical engineering. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c12965 Source: 期刊信息 JACS: 《美国化学会志》,更重要的是。

有助于研究无机纳米结构中手性光量(不对称因子)和催化性能之间的联系,合成具有工程手性光学活性和相同结构和尺寸的无机纳米材料是一个巨大的挑战,与非手性对应物相比, the ability to engineer chiroptical activity within the same type of chiral nanostructures allows for the manipulation of spin-dependent catalysis, using these materials as model catalysts in a proof-of-concept catalytic reaction,最新IF:16.383 官方网址: 投稿链接: , 具体而言,阻碍了手性(光学活性)与催化效率之间关系的探索, Zhihao Wen, 手性概念和无机纳米结构的结合具有显著影响催化过程和产物的巨大潜力,隶属于美国化学会。


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